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Question:Would your bury a loved one with their cell phone?

According to MSNBC, one of the latest trends in funerals is burying the deceased with their favorite electronic gadgets. Funeral directors say over the past five or six years they have seen an upswing of people wanting to be buried with their cell phones. Other family's have sent their loved ones off with blackberries and even handheld videogame devices. Would it help you grieve if you knew your loved one was taking his or her cell phone with them?

Asked by alegria on 12/16/08 2 Answers»


Oh wow. I hadn't heard of people being buried with their electronics, and frankly, I don't believe it would help me grieve. If someone was so obsessed with their electronics that they wished to be buried with them, I'd question what their human relationships were like. I'd honor that person's wishes, but it wouldn't factor into my grieving process at all and I really don't understand how that's supposed to help.

Answered by: Kristy101081 on 12/28/08


No - I understand everyone grieves in their own way, but I just don't get people's attachments to their electronic devices. I read one story that a man was buried with his cell so that his loved ones could call and leave him messages. That I kind of get because you will be able to call and hear the person's voice, which can be comforting for those left behind. But getting buried with your Blackberry because you loved it to much? Someone please explain this to me.

Answered by: angie805 on 12/27/08
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