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Get a (Night) Job!

Get a (Night) Job!

Starting your day when others have finished theirs could mean more money for you! You may be tempted to think that working the night shift—so fondly referred to as the graveyard shift—is about as desirable as plucking your nose hairs with a pair of tweezers. If you take another look, however, you will find that often the benefits oughtweigh the drawbacks...especially when it comes to your paycheck!

Most professions offer a premium to work overnight. There are many jobs that offer extra benefits to night workers, including police officer, nurse, truck driver and bartender. If you're still not convinced, just think of the other upside—no more early morning meetings or crowded commutes!

What do you think? Would you ever work the night shift? [MSN Money]

Posted: 5/23/08

I worked the late shift at a hotel when i was much younger so that i could go to school during the day. i would consider working the late shift if the pay differential was especially nice. i would not be able to do it for more than a year or two as it is a weird way to live.