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Change Nation: John Assaraf (12/05/08)

John Assaraf on Having More Money

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The news is hard to avoid: the cost of living is rising, people are losing their jobs and the market is unstable. In times like these, it might seem impossible to find ways to increase your wealth.

Entrepreneur and author John Assaraf says it is possible to thrive through this downturn! He’s gone from being a scrappy street kid to being the force behind a number of multi-million-dollar businesses. As the founder of OneCoach, he’s advising thousands of entrepreneurs to grow their revenues so they can enjoy financial freedom. He’s also the author of the New York Times best-selling book, The Answer: Grow any Business, Achieve Financial Freedom and Live and Extraordinary Life and now he has a new book called The Complete Vision Board Kit: Using the Power of Intention to Achieve Your Dreams.

On this episode of Change Nation, John details how you can find ways to have more money even in a troubled economy, and tells how you can use the law of attraction to bring more of what you want into your life.

For more information on John Assaraf, visit www.johnassaraf.com or www.onecoach.com.

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