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Get Phit
When you have split ends and exposed roots, you head to the hair stylist. When your polish is chipped and your cuticles are running wild, you head to the salon for a mani/pedi. And now, if your va-jay-jay is feeling a little worse for the wear, you can head to Phit, Manhattan's first pelvic spa.
The spa is the brainchild of Lauri Romanzi, M.D., a gynecologist who specializes in pelvic reconstruction surgery. The spa's signature $150 treatment includes a pelvic exam during which Romanzi will determine the patient's vaginal muscle tone. Her prescription for out-of-shape clients is a little personal training in the form of Kegel excercises.
"If you can vote and you have a vagina, you should do these," she said. "It's the dental floss of feminine fitness."
According to the Mayo Clinic, "Kegel exercises—along with counseling and sex therapy—may be helpful to women who have persistent problems reaching orgasm."
But here's your news flash for the day: You don't need to spend hundreds of dollars on a visit to a spa with a silly name in order to improve your pelvic agility and improve your sex life. The Mayo Clinic web site provides a very informative step-by-step guide to Kegels and explains their benefits. If it's still confusing, you can always call up Romanzi. [The New York Times]