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Go Team!

Go Team!

If you're in a relationship with a hardcore Miami Dolphins fan, you might want to start preparing for a rocky sexual season.

The web site AreYouRomantic.com polled more than 700 people and found that 30% of men had better sex after their favorite teams won a game and 10% said it was bad after a loss.

As if that wasn't depressing enough, one quarter of the men surveyed said they would put off sex for a month if it meant their teams could win the Super Bowl. Thank goodness that would only be possible in a really terrible Hollywood movie staring Adam Sandler or Will Smith.

Even if your mate has a winning team, you probably already know that Monday nights will be a ghost town in the bedroom.

"I could be on fire in the room right next to him and he wouldn't notice," wrote one poll correspondent.

The Dolphins, who only won one game last season, were among the worst teams in the NFL last year and aren't expected to do much better this year. Other teams to look out for are the St. Louis Rams, Atlanta Falcons and the Oakland Raiders.

Now that you know winning teams can be such a turn on, will you be picking up a pennant and rooting along with your lover? Keep in mind, a couple extra touchdowns for them can mean a major score for you too. [UPI]

Posted: 8/29/08

My boyfriend and I used to have a little tradition of, um, heading to the bedroom post-game. I'm a huge football fan and I converted him. :)