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Midnight Confessions

Midnight Confessions

Boy meets Girl. Boy and Girl take their clothes off, and proceed to get busy in deluxe suite at the airport Hilton. Boy and Girl never talk to each other again. It's a classic scenario, often romanticized in popular culture, but do men and women both feel the same the morning after?

When it comes to one-night stands, men and women report significantly different levels of satisfaction. A researcher from Durham University in Britain surveyed 1743 men and women about the feelings they experience in this type of sexual scenario. While 80% of men reported positive feelings after a night with a stranger, only 54% of women said they felt the same way.

Whether your relationship lasts 24 hours or 24 years, the way you feel when it ends usually depends on your expectations. "I think the women who come out of a one-night stand feeling negatively are women who were hoping it would lead to more," the 28-year-old Sydney Native told The Australian. "But the ones who are OK about it from the get-go are the women who enjoy the experience, and don't feel let down in the morning."

What's your take on one-night stands? Do you feel great after jumping in the sack, or do you feel like you need to go to confession?

Posted: 7/2/08