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Sex in Space-The Final Frontier

Sex in Space-The Final Frontier

Birds do it, bees do it, and soon even astronauts in space will do it. According to an article on Space.com, it´s only a matter of time before space explorers will be making zero gravity whoopie—if they haven't figured it out already. Although officials from NASA haven't admitted to conducting any research on celestial relations, many sociological experts believe that if our exploration of space continues it will be an inevitable factor.

"Certainly at polar research stations, there's sexual relations, sexual contact, between men and women," Lawrence Palinkas, an anthropological expert from UCLA , told Space.com. "On a three-year mission to Mars, that's a possibility as well, although NASA in the past has tried to downplay the need for and the implications of sexual needs on a mission that long."

A Japanese company has already begun to offer space weddings, so it propbably won't be long until another company tries to capitalize on the sex in space phenomenon. When they do, will you be among the first to go along for the ride? If you´re an enterpristing individual, start working on your patent for space condoms and extra terrestrial lingerie now.

Posted: 7/21/08