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Question:how do i get my sex drive back?

i'm only 28, people say it's normal, but i don't think it's normal to not care if i have sex or not. it's become like a chore. it could be that he puts most of his focus into the same relative routine. he says tell him what i want. i don't know what i want. i'm use to telling them (men) that i like what they are doing or i don't. i don't know what to say when i'm suppose to come up with the ideas. i never had fantasies, masterbatting has never worked for me, i'm basically a heterosexual in the closet. i've been in this relationship for a year and a half and it's the longest worthwhile relationship i've ever had so when "routine" becomes the issue i have no clue what to do. if i even had a clue what to try, i would be afraid to say it cause if doesn't help then it looks like i just lost interest in him and i don't want him to think that. i'm going through something and i want to fix whatever is wrong with me so i can have a full relationship. communication, trust and sex are the three pedistals to a relationship. without sex there's not a full connection. well, that's what i believe. please help. i'm like a 28yr old virgin with two kids and no clue.

Asked by virginears on 7/25/09 Answer»