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Question:How do a wife cope in a sexless marriage?

We only been married 1yr and 3 months and my husband sex drive is low. The last time we had sex it was late January 7(it was not that great because he did not last long,so this is really count), before that it was on late January 1(New Years Day). After that it was sometime the month of December; maybe twice that month.

I had been biting my tongue and coping with out regular sex at least 3 times a week (as new couple in marriage My first I thought we should be on cloud 9) instead its been a rollercoaster. I did give him the okay to visit his mom. He did not check on our house before going to his mom. Something we discuss before. It was bothering all day at work yesterday; wondering how long I am suppose to continue with lack sex in this marriage.

So when, he called me at 7pm from his Mom my tone did not come out right, he said what wrong, I said I need someone to talk to, I said the problem YOU ARE NOT FUCKING ME. So, I called a girlfriend of mine a was venting while he was at his Mom house. He continue to tell me his family is scare to call him, I have done some damage. He said, You have a problem with my family. I told him this time it had nothing to do with his family; it about him not pleasing me sexually and has cause frustration. Part of me is tempting to find someone who can satify my needs but that is wrong. When there is no intimacy and sex it feels just like friends. I lose connection with him. He say He is madly in love with me. He went to the doctor to find out the problem(sex drive) 2 weeks ago. I am so hanging on but other part me wants to move on, so he no longer be kept away from his family. Before I met him, he was blowing threw the wind; now he doing alot better.

If you have read this far; please give me some advise, I prefer couples who have married awhile a know what is happening. This is my first marriage, his second (which he did not learn nothing from his first, his first wife cheated on him for the same reason). I have arrange wonderful getaways for us because I was only trying to build a strong convenant its never my intention to take him away from his family. He continue to put it in my face (God said man should leave his mother and father and cleave to his wife). We are both in our mid 30's this should not be happen. I appreciate our thoughs and advise.

Asked by marah2448 on 1/17/12 Answer»