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Holly Riddel on Achieving Her Life's Purpose

Holly Riddel on Achieving Her Life's Purpose

Since some of our listening audience may not yet know who you are, would you please tell us a bit about yourself?

I can list off all of the things that I have done but really, as I write this, something happened that best describes me. Sitting at my desk I could see the cleaning lady from across the street leave her job. She crossed to my side of the street to stand under my tree and wait for her ride. (It's climbing to 111 degrees today.) Five minutes went by and I started to get concerned about the heat so I took her a glass of ice and a bottle of lemonade. She had the sweetest face and just said thank you over and over. I turned and could barely fight back tears walking into my house. I received so much joy in that brief encounter. The work I do today is harnessing that love and joy to share with others with the intention and desire of it spreading all over the world. I love people.

You are a great success. Because of what you've accomplished and where you are in life, what would you tell others to inspire them today, regardless of where they are in their life?

I tell people to go to the mirror and look into your own eyes. There is nothing that you can't accomplish in your own unique way. There will always be people who say you can't, or you're silly, but it's out of fear. Take action and be courageous and fierce with your brilliance. The moment you make that commitment to your soul I can promise that you will be encouraged by the universe. Make the strong choices more than the easy ones. You will always know the difference. It doesn't matter where you are today—believe me I have been in some very low places—just start there with one person who believes in you. 

That would be me so get going!

We all know that inspiration can change lives. Can you share a personal story of someone who inspired you and made a difference in your life or share a defining moment or experience that inspired you or changed your life?

I have to share two. The first time I experienced pure energy changed my life. I was 29 and a very famous healer was in L.A. ironically to see Farrah Fawcett and she cancelled. The healer was staying with a friend of mine and offered to give me a session. I was a little nervous and said a prayer before she started. She had me yell very loud—deep screams—and all at once my arms started lifting and shaking uncontrollably. I had no control over them. I started to cry and looked at her. She was also crying. Then my arms dropped. She jumped up and said she had to play something for me. It was Eric Clapton's song, "If I Could Change The World." Possibly for the first time I felt understood and my desire to know more about energy had just begun. I found out later that the people that were downstairs felt the house shake.

My second story happened almost two years ago. I had set my sights on a very successful woman to help shepherd the Inside Out concept into the world. I found myself sitting across from the President of one of her companies. She gave me more inspiration than she could possibly imagine. She called my rings a movement. When I feel down or discouraged I think of all the things she said and carry on.

You make it look easy, but I'm guessing you've experienced challenges in your life. Can you share with our listeners how that has strengthened you to reach success? In other words, how do you overcome adversity?

Oh boy. I've faced lots of challenges!! I embrace every single one of them because they made me so strong. The times when I really felt at the very bottom it was probably the most exciting. It sounds strange but when you're there you can go anywhere. Today when I hit a wall I try to think of a challenge as a game, because really, isn't this all supposed to be fun? I decide how it plays out. And I believe we all have that power.

Everyone has ideas on how to improve her life, whether it be a new job, moving to a new city, or finding love, but change can be a bit scary sometimes. Can you please share an experience with us where you "stepped off the ledge" with only faith, and took a big risk, based only on your belief that you would succeed?

About six years ago or so I was developing pet products and had reached one of my goals. I sold to Target. After that I had moved from San Francisco to eastern Pennsylvania to partner with another company. I bought my first home and felt successful. It was one year after moving that my business partner changed the locks on our offices and literally locked me out of my company. After three years of lawsuits, no more home, and giving up one of my dogs, I went into a deep depression. It was in this space that I thought of my idea of the rings from years before. No one had wanted to make them and I had put the idea aside. I decided to learn how to do it myself and signed up for a five-day course in metal-smithing. The rest is history.

How can others do what you did?

By never giving up. Pay attention to your intuition. I got an intuitive hit about that partner in Pennsylvania and ignored it on purpose because I wanted change. Don't do what I did. Take responsibility for your life and your experiences. If you want your own business than start asking everyone you know how to do it. If you're unhappy in a relationship then change it. What I know for sure is that you must love and care for yourself to be open to receive all the happiness and abundance that you desire. Make the strong choices and watch how your self-esteem and confidence strengthen. Your success will come.

What process, steps or exercises do you recommend that our listeners could do right now and each morning, to improve the quality of their lives?

I'm 43 years old and I'm having to do this for myself yet again. I laugh because you can choose the Ferris wheel or the roller coaster. I have clearly chosen the coaster. I'm not getting off of it but I am handling the ride differently. There is nothing you can say to me about your day-to-day living that would shock me—I hope. First, if you have any shame about where you are right now get rid of it. There is no shame. It's bunk. Make a commitment to yourself, just you. Move your body every single day. I know this can be hard but just commit to 30 consecutive days and it will change your life. In my work I say that love is my intention. Try it. Smile at strangers. Randomly pay for someone's groceries or just don't react when you're upset. Inside Out is about you. Don't point your finger or blame. You have all the power so the moment you decide to be responsible for your own happiness your life will change. The moment you take responsibility for every single experience in your life then you begin to change the world. When I slip a ring on my finger in the morning I am reminded of my word, my integrity that I walk and live. It's your choice.

What's the greatest joy in your life?

The love that I experience with my spirituality, friends, strangers and in my work.

If you had to wrap up the wisdom of your life to leave as your legacy—call it YOUR BRILLIANCE—what important things that you've learned would you want to pass on to others?

My rings have taught me the most in my life and continue to teach me. It has been easy to love others, but I had to learn to love myself. In doing so my entire life has opened up in a more fulfilling and peaceful way. Do this first and then don't be afraid to support and love others. You get back what you give.


If you had just one more thing that you could accomplish in your lifetime, what would it be?

To spread the Inside Out movement throughout the world in all languages. It's so simple. It's what's on the inside that counts and it all starts with each one of us. I just started the initial steps for a non-profit to be the vehicle. All are welcome and even asked to come aboard. Love will change this world and the way we live in it.

Posted: 7/8/09

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My favorite quote is "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step". You have taken that single step and you will go very far! You are a true inspiration and I grateful for you and the work you are doing.



You will also be going to Heaven!

Ever since I was a Teenager, I've loaned money to others for lots of different reasons... I loaned $5's to a Nice Married Mom who needed to pay her Cab Fare back when I was still in Shenango Valley, PA ('85 to '88) and once she found out where my apartment was, we became Friends! The Family even came to my Shenango Valley Campus Graduation in 5/88 & now we exchange emails too!

Being Helpful to others is what The Holy Family does for us every day... I should know because I am "Proof That Prayers Do Work"!
God Bless,

  • By AJP117
  • on 10/1/09 12:39 AM EST