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Stop Praying and Get to Work!

Stop Praying and Get to Work!

Remember in “Office Space,” when Peter Gibbons says, “I’d say in a given week I probably only do about fifteen minutes of real, actual, work”? He had all sorts of ways of zoning out and avoiding work, but what if your religion required you to take multiple, long breaks during the day in order to pray?
Compulsory prayer is part of Islam, and the 5-times-a-day requirement is severely cutting into the work days of Egyptians. A study conducted on the government’s six million workers found that they only do about 27 minutes of work per day. Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, and many others, are trying to shorten the prayer sessions so that employees are more productive.
Predictably, this is not an easy subject to tackle because of the risk of downplaying religion and prioritizing work. But, al-Qaradawi thinks compromises can be found, such as doing some of the preparatory prayer-washing at home before arriving at work. Have you ever made spiritual compromises for the sake of work or other  responsibilities? [Breitbart]

Posted: 6/6/08