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Walk This Way

Walk This Way

Everyone has his or her own definition of spirituality, but if you're still determining what it means to you, that's OK. Spiritual leader and best-selling author Marianne Williamson has said, "Everyone is on a spiritual path; most people just don't know it."

Changing your mindset on your spirituality to think of it as a journey and not a destination can be difficult, but there are ways you can help facilitate this journey. Here are a few suggestions to help you put your spirituality into practice, no matter what it is.

1. Forgive and forget. When you harbor a grudge, spiritual leaders say you also give refuge to toxic feelings like resentment. You don't have to let the person off the hook, but instead, stop passing judgment and let spirituality take over.

2. Say thank you! Make a habit of writing down three things you are grateful for. Then, count your blessings out loud. This helps you reflect and make them feel even more real.

3. It's better to give than receive. There may be no one better to lean on for this lesson than Mother Teresa. She wrote in her book, A Simple Path, "It is not how much you do but how much love you put into the doing and sharing with others that is important." Smile at someone who looks sad or bring your friend some flowers. It will make your heart soar.

4. Take a day off. You already work your bum off six days a week. Honor the Sabbath and take time to be at peace with your spirit.

Williamson says "Everywhere you go, there is a conversation about spirituality." Do you think people are more in tune now with their spirituality than ever before? [Discovery Health]

Posted: 10/3/08

I'm delighted to see the words "spiritual" and "spirituality" regularly included in conversations, books, magazines, TV, etc. Personally, I feel much more comfortable saying that I am a spiritual person rather than stating my specific religion. I guess that's because I'm not even sure what it is. I enjoy learning about different religions, and taking the best lessons from all and applying them to my own actions, beliefs and spiritual journey. There's always something beautiful and wonderful to learn about another person's religious beliefs.