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Why do you feel that it is necessary for men to cheat? and why do we continually trust them?
Cheating is a choice. And it's a selfish act that hurts people. The way I look at it is. It's just like an unwanted pregnancy. If you don't want to have a baby, use protection. If you don't want to be in an exclusive, committed relationship, stay single. It's just that simple. Hurting people is not ok. And if more people spent more time being responsible with their decisions, and less time thinking with their body parts, there would be less hurt and divorce in this world...
Some men cheat, some men do not. Some women cheat, some women do not. I believe the reason both men and women cheat is because humans are not meant to be manogimous. We are meant to have more than one relationship in a lifetime. Marriage is an institution created by humans. While some people can make marriage work for a lifetime, most people struggle with it. What I wish is that people could be more honest and honorable and end the relationship they are in before they move on to another one. It is difficult when one person decides to leave a relationship and the other person is not ready or willing to let go. But it is far more difficult when people have to deal with the pain of betrayal involved in cheating. If we let go of the idea that people must stay together for a lifetime and end relationships with dignity before the cheating occurs, cheating would not exist and neither would the devastating emotional consequences it creates.
I am a man and I have never cheated in any of my relationships with women over the last 45 years. No matter how close and involved I am with my partner, they invariably get the "wandering eye" every time and so much of the time! After many years of this it occurred to me that these women would be less likely to "wander" in this way if I was the one doing the wandering. It is that old "power dynamic" that lies behind much of these patterns. To put it as simply as possible, if they have NO FEAR of ever losing you, it becomes pretty easy to take you for granted. Obvious isn't it? If they had to worry that you could become interested in another woman, they would likely become much more focused and attentive to the relationship at hand and have far less energy left over for that wandering (LAZY) eye of theirs. I'll never learn my lesson though. I'll never be able to develop this ability to betray my woman so I guess I'll keep experiencing the same patterns. The "kill or be killed" syndrome is another way of breaking down the simple components of this common human paradox. Sad but true.
Good God there is some man hatting going on in here! OK, I thought as a man, I should chime in on this one considering I will be the first. Even though my profile says female, trust me I am a man.
First off there are plenty of men who cheat and always will cheat. Don't try and change them ladies. But and this is a very big "but".....WOMEN CHEAT JUST AS MUCH! They just don't get caught. Stop giving us men a bad name just because we are not as manipulative or as good at it as women.
By the way I am a happily married man who has never cheated on his wife. I love you honey!
...it is not necessary for a man to cheat, a "man" will not cheat, a coward will because he is a self centered egotistical lying pig who thinks so low of himself in spite of the act he may put that he has it all together. We trust because we love and hope that the person we are trusting in responds the same way.
*some cowards cheat because they don't know what they have till it's gone
*some cheat because they are commitmentphobics and ruin a perfectly good relationship because of their fear, ego or bad morals
...but if someone is cheating on you don't chase him, replace himm and it is to be agreed to that women also cheat, but for different reasons, whoever men invented the cheating women have perfected it and it would be a never ending conversation but there is a hugge difference in the reasons why women and men cheat, this is how i feel
I think its all about the people you surround yourself with- Your team- and the way you are raised. And of course cheating is a personal weakness, its a lack of self- control and a defect with one's moral compass.
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