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Change Nation: Immaculee Ilibagiza (11/28/08)

Immaculee Ilibagiza on Living More Spiritually

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Immaculée Ilibagiza grew up in Rwanda—a country divided by tribal allegiances. During the genocide in 1994, she was forced into hiding to avoid being raped, mutilated or killed. She hid in a bathroom at a local pastors house with seven other women for three months. Once it was safe to come out, she started working at a U.N. office, comforting a number of children who were orphaned by the genocide and later emigrated to the United States, where she is now a speaker and an author. Her first book about her life in Rwanda, called Live to Tell, sold half a million books and went on to become a New York Times best-seller.

Her latest book, Led by Faith: Rising from the Ashes of the Rwandan Genocide, further explores how her religious faith helped her rebuild her life after this horrible tragedy.

On this episode of Change Nation, Ilibagiza explains how her faith was strengthened in the face of genocide, and what you can do to improve your relationship with your higher power.

For more information on Immaculée Ilibagiza, visit www.immaculee.com or www.hayhouse.com.


I am Susan Larry from Finland. Thanks to this great man of spirit called Dr Oviasu which I don't know how to thank him for the good work he has done for me and my family which i want to share my testimony with you all, for six years now my husband left me with two kids with know reason which I don't know what to do, so one day i was in my friends place when I exposed my pain to her about my depression which I have be looking for who to help me out of it then my friend called me closer to her self telling me on how she got this great man of spirit who helped her found her way to get her husband back then I ask of his contact she quickly go and get her computer and gave me his Email address oviasuspirituallovespellcaster@gmail.com and his number so, that is how I contacted him for a help. And now am so happy with my family and with a happy home if you are in such pain kindly Via Email again oviasuspirituallovespellcaster@gmail.com or call +2349031238664 have faith in him and he will help you.



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This is such an inspirational interview. She really made me feel like I could find ways to seek forgiveness, not in a cheesy way but in a real and personal way. Thank you!


What an amazing individual. What she endured was unimaginable and yet she was able to pull from her deep faith the strength and energy to go on. Her story is one more people need to read.


J'ai rencontre Immaculee a une conference de Hay House a Las Vegas et je lui ai demande la permission de la serrer dans mes bras. Elle est illuminee, humble et tres speciale - sa foi en notre Createur supreme est remarquable. Merci de l'avoir eu sur ton programme. Elle est extraordinaire!

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