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Richard Nelson Bolles

Richard Nelson Bolles

Renowned author of the What Color Is Your Parachute? Series

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Bradley Richardson

Bradley Richardson

Business author, professional speaker and career development...

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Tanya Flynn

Tanya Flynn

Communications manager at Careerbuilder.com

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Job Loss and the Kids

If you have recently lost your job, you probably have a lot of people to tell, including your friends, your colleagues and your spouse. But how do you tell your kids?  
Talking to your kids can often be the hardest part of a job loss. And make no mistake that they feel the same fear and anxiety about your job loss that you do. According to Bradley Richardson, managing partner at recruiting firm Kaye/Bassman International, everyone in the family experiences the feelings that come with a job loss. “I interviewed many other people who’d gone through it and their spouses and families, and there’s an emotional upheaval they go through,” he says. “Whether you screwed up and got fired or you just happen to be one of the people who got laid off, you still have to deal with these things and your family does, as well.”
We’d like to hear from you. How did you explain your job loss to your children? How did they react? What did you do to make it easier on them?

Posted: 3/18/08