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Richard Nelson Bolles

Richard Nelson Bolles

Renowned author of the What Color Is Your Parachute? Series

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Bradley Richardson

Business author, professional speaker and career development...

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Tanya Flynn

Communications manager at Careerbuilder.com

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The latest news on this change — carefully culled from the world wide web by our change agents. They do the surfing, so you don't have to!

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Posted: 8/11/08

Married for almost 17 years - separated for 1 year and divorce will be final in January (he left). During all of this made a complete job change (successfully) and raising two teenagers. With the exception of a few bumps here and there I can say this has been the best year for me and only getting better. The growth that I have gone through this past year has been so wonderful and I am so grateful. All of us are in therapy to manage the adjustments and changes and ultimately I am a better person, mother and partner. I truly believe that out of difficulty times wonderful things can happen. We went through mediation - instead of litigation -and unfortunately had a bad experience. The wonderful thing that came out of that was that I have decided to become a divorce mediator. In an effort to ease an already extremely stressful and at times contentious situation amongst the parties involved, I now know that this is what I was meant to do with my life.

  • By Anonymous
  • on 9/18/08 1:04 PM EST

Married for 19 years, together for 22....he left 5 months ago. We have 2 girls ages 11 and 13. I still have my job...he is now finally working part time and living near his new friend. After the heartbreak which still continues, I am finally beginning to see the true me. I am finding myself and discovering that my needs are important. I can make a change for the world, I just start at home, then at my job and then hopefully on a more global scale. Positive affirmations and attitude, gratitude and just learning to be present in each moment that I face are now my mantras. I'm learning so much. Finally taking time to read and learn, self-help and being able to ask for help from friends. The outpouring of support has been incredible from friends and even strangers. I listen more to everyone. One person who gave me the most profound advise was a fellow who was picking up my garbage. A garbage man I had never met before, impacted my life with words of comfort and strength. He saw me crying and offered words of advise. "Noone can take your joy" he told me. I hear his words in my darkest moments. I hope someday I can make a change in a strangers life the way he did for me that day.
Changes....we all go through them. I'm learning to be as non-reactive as possible... to just be. Somehow it's beginning to work!


I live in Norco, CA, (Horse Towne USA). I have been a homemaker most my adult life raising my two chiildren who are now in their midteens. I rejoined the work force approx. 2yrs ago to help contribute additional income for our household, namely to have a little extra spending money & to help pay for the upkeep & care of my beloved horses and our family pets (a zoo). With the economy what is has become I find my meager income is a necessity now...gas prices have esculated, utilities (doubled, some tripled in cost), grogerys... the general cost of living has risen tremendously. I previously worked part-time 20-25 hrs a week in Real Estate as assistant. I was recently asked by my employer after our office expereinced a major upper management changeover to work full-time. I accepted the challenge for the security of keeping my position without thinking of the concequences of how the change would effect my homelife. These past 30 days have been beyond challenging with my struggle to maintain a positive outlook both with the staff changeovers at work and trying to balance being a full-time employee & mom at the same time. The physical and emotional strain has been difficult with bouts of depression & frustration overwhelming at times. I'm in a quandry of how to handle these changes in my life without affecting my family either financially or emotionally.

  • By josodf
  • on 8/14/08 9:34 AM EST

I am getting ready to move back to the Tarheel state of NC after 2 years in VA. I have no home there yet, no job either. I'm going on faith. Wish me luck
