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Our Losing Your Job Experts

Richard Nelson Bolles

Richard Nelson Bolles

Renowned author of the What Color Is Your Parachute? Series

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Bradley Richardson

Bradley Richardson

Business author, professional speaker and career development...

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Tanya Flynn

Tanya Flynn

Communications manager at Careerbuilder.com

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The latest news on this change — carefully culled from the world wide web by our change agents. They do the surfing, so you don't have to!

Starting Anew

If you’ve lost your job, it may be just the beginning of a new road. Wasn’t there that dream career you always wanted to try, but you were just too afraid? What about those little risks you wanted to take but couldn’t? Bright side: Now you have no excuse!  CNN.com can show you how to start a brand new career.

Posted: 1/29/08