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Richard Nelson Bolles

Richard Nelson Bolles

Renowned author of the What Color Is Your Parachute? Series

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Bradley Richardson

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The latest news on this change — carefully culled from the world wide web by our change agents. They do the surfing, so you don't have to!

The Slap Heard Round the Hood

The Slap Heard Round the Hood

Before we begin, let's just get this out of the way: we never condone violence of any kind, especially against children (no matter how frustrating their behavior.) But we wanted to make mention of a story across the pond in which a parent smacked his daughter and was fired from his job for it because, well, does what happens at home play a role in what happens at work?

The parent in question was taken in by local police after his daughter called to report the incident (she later told police she didn't wish to file a report.) He'd never struck any of his five children before, and only wanted his daughter to understand the seriousness of her actions, he says. Still, because he went with the police, signed a statement and accepted a warning, he's now guilty of assault against a child. And as a football (soccer to us Americans) coach, his employer felt that unacceptable.

What's your take? Does this one act wipe out 15 years of outstanding work? Has anyone out there lost a job because of their actions off the job? [Telegraph]




Posted: 8/13/08

I think its disgraceful. He slapped her because she was terrorising an elderly neighbour. Is this acceptable then? He did not beat the living daylights out of her, which is obviously wrong. I am a primary school teacher and on the very rare occasions my brother and I were out of line we were given a smack on the bottom or the back of the legs and we didnt grow into hooligans because of it. It was unheard of that we would have called the police, and I am not that old!! We learnt very quickly that you treat people properly and behave yourself. Our parents love us and we grew up with respect for them ourselves and others borne out of the knowledge that they were doing what any sane person would do-instilling the difference between right and wrong. I despair at what the world is coming to. Where on earth has common sense gone?