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Question:How do you determine transferable skills across industries ?

I was laid off over 1 year ago, after 35 years of continous employment in the computer field. I have been unsucessful at finding a new position as most of the high tech jobs in my speciality have been outsourced to China and India. I continue to look for new positions in my field but being 57 with 35+ years of experience is working aginst me. I admit I was somewhat burned out and would love to explore other avenues but I just can't seem to find other fields to which my skills transfer and where I can make a good living let alone find employeers who will entertain hiring someone with no direct experience.

Asked by jtmjr51 on 1/1/09 2 Answers»


Some of my best jobs and new skills sharpened were doing consulting work. At times I even took a pay cut on the condition that the work was on a "term" basis just to keep myself busy.

Answered by: dawnbell on 2/14/09


Some of your transferable skills: project management, communication skills both oral and written (reports); customer relations or interpersonal skills; teamplayer; analytical skills; organization, etc. In addition to these your computer software knowledge. Did you have to train others? etc.

Answered by: PhoenixBalto on 1/16/09
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