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Career Change: I lost my job because of the economy...
I was working in real estate and mortgages which is now reduced to bare rubbles in my market. I have been holding on to a thread for the past 8 months and it has become more and more inevitable that a change of scenery is overdue. However, I find people with mortgage and real estate background are having a difficult time entering other segment of work industry.
I wanted to pursue teaching, in particular, personal business/financial management but that requires me to attend school. Should I get into speaking engagements and workshops in lieu of traditional education. I am so confused... I have this passion to do something but feel the powers that I can't control are limiting me...
I'm sorry to hear about your hard times, it seems everyone you speak with these days is suffering somehow.
Back in the early 90's when i hit the job market full-time i was getting laid off left and right no matter what job i took in what sector.. i had very minimal skills and worked bottom of the totem poll jobs.. after my 4th layoff in 2 years i decided to speak with a councelor at the unemployment office.. not only did i receive benefits but my state allows for schooling, which THEY pay for up to a certain $ amount (which most community colleges fall under) i went to school for psychology FULL TIME on the state's dime.. almost got my associates degree before life made me leave school. but i have some college credits under me now that looks better on a resume plus the computer courses i took while there proved beneficially to getting above entry level. You should REALLY look into it if your state offers a schooling program.. most do because they want you to be better to get off their "payroll" so to speak.
good luck to you and let us know what happens.
I am into photograhy also but........ I have a " secret" . If you want to find a rare market , the best equipment is your MIND ! Think about it .... have you ever considered using slide film for wild life and nature ? Slides hold up to reprints better . Where's the market ? Aha ! The secret is to contact puzzle makers who will pay up to $100 per picture !!!! The elderly want something new and challenging and not boring as they sit in retirement communities . Give it some thought . You can get the leads/phone numbers and addresses off of puzzleboxes at your toy stores !
I have been a professional photographer and worked in photo labs for about 10 years. Because of the economy and the change to digital I have helped close 10 labs in the last 5 years. I am now on unemployment and have gone to the career centers in my area and I am applying for aid to be retrained in Micro Soft Programs and PC Networking Tech. If you can go to school, now would be the perfect time to do that to make that career change. I will be 60 years, a very young 60, this Wednesday and I am looking forward to move forward. Get help and advice from those who can help you.