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How does one get past age discrimination?
I'm 59 years old and three months ago was down-sized for the third time in two years. Now to find a job, the salary is not there for a person with my experience and education.
If you think you are truly being discriminated against because of your age, you need to consult with a lawyer. That is against the law.
Good Luck,
Thank you for the feedback. You're right...experience can overcome age, but I forget that sometimes.
When my boss laid me off, he told me not to focus on my age; he'd rather hire an older worker than a younger worker because our families are complete, we're more dependable, etc.
My daughter keeps telling me to watch "Joe Versus the Volcano". An older movie with Tom Hanks about a man in an isolated job that he hates...then made big changes when he thought he was dying.
Thanks again...I'll take your advice to heart.
I don't know, but being in a similar situation though more hopeful, here's how I'm going about it.
First, figure out what you want in life, not in salary. I'm prepared to move, sell my house and move into a smaller one (something I want to do anyway), and more. I want simplicity and life with mass transit, not in my automobile. That life will be cheaper and make me happier.
Second, when my rather isolating job of 15 years was eliminated I moved into a different field in a much risker small nonprofit. The economy led to professional staff being laid off, but this time I'm in a much better position--lots of good connections with people who know my work and may help.
Third, my age is an advantage. I have incredible skills and experience, I know how to make the workplace better for everyone and navigate political waters with diplomacy, and more. I love working with people my age and younger people. Why not go in knowing what advantages your age gives you?