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Question:Do you have a back-up plan (and $$$) in case you lose your job?

It's impossible to ignore all the headlines about job loss and unemployment rates. Rather than fret right this minute though, do you have a back-up plan in the event the worst happened? Do you have money saved away? Alternative ways of making money or job ideas, like working for a family business?

Asked by SunnySide on 10/7/08 3 Answers»


I don't have a backup plan. If I am out of work for very long, things will get ugly.

My wife has a small business. I could always work at that. I could probably make enough extra to pay for the house though things would be tight.

Answered by: TonyInKY on 10/8/08


I don't have a backup plan...well, sort of don't. I guess I could always go into the family business (construction).

Answered by: AnnieChance on 10/7/08


Now, more than ever, we want our side business to take off :)

I feel fortunate to work in an industry where there's always freelance or permalance work available...I feel pretty confident that there will be "something" out there for me if I lose my job.

Still, I have cut back on expenses and am shoring up my savings more than in the past. It seems prudent as we'll probably be in a down-cycle for a while.

Answered by: kristen on 10/7/08
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