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Question:Do you have a getting fired horror story?

I was just reading Gawker (yeah, I know) and they have this hilarious new series of layoff horror stories. I mean it's not hilarious that these are becoming more common with the crap economy, but sometimes humor is the best medicine.
One of the stories featured on the post was a woman who discovered her dismissal letter on her bosses computer and went in and edited all of the grammatical errors before her boss printed it out. Another woman reported that her boss told her 19-year-old son, a new hire at the company, to inform her of her termination.
Have you had any ridiculous firing situations?

Asked by NicoO2000 on 11/5/08 1 Answer»


This just proves that some jobs aren't meant to be—and that someone always has it worse than you!

Fortunately I've never been fired or let go, but I'd imagine it's very hard. I think learning to see the bright side is so important. As this site always says, "something good will come."

Answered by: Eva1873 on 11/10/08
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