Make an Employment Plan
Today is the day to come up with a plan to get yourself back to work and your life back on track.
Once you’ve done some soul searching as to why you lost your job, think about what you want your new job to be and start formulating a plan to attain it. Think big! Don’t limit your plan to finding a job that’s similar to your last one. Maybe this is the time to make a career change or go back to school. If you feel like you’re up for something different, try to map out your path to your new career goal.
To start, take a skills assessment test online at to help you discover your abilities and interests. You could also buy a book on job-hunting or career hopping; network with your friends, family and peers; revamp your résumé; schedule a weekend away to clear your head; look into hiring a career coach; and the list goes on.
Get a notebook or a journal and write out your plan, giving yourself some benchmarks or goals to strive for. Keep this notebook with you and track your progress. Treating your job search like your job—complete with daily goals and a structured schedule—will help you stay positive and focused on your future.
Just think: Somewhere in future, a better job is waiting for you to discover!