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Richard Nelson Bolles

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Bradley Richardson

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Got A Tip?


Trite but true. One door closes, another opens.


I'm a computer programmer. This means "disposable" in business-speak. I've been laid off a few times. I can tell you the feeling of rejection is horrible. Yet there's also some excitement about the prospect of doing something new and different.

The Man is going to whack you. When he does, be sure you're ready. Build a network of friends and acquaintances who will give you an "in" to the next position. Keep your skills up-to-date. Know what you'd like to try next and prepare for it. Do this constantly so when the axe falls, and it will, you're ready on day 1.

Shared by TonyInKY on 10/8/08

I'm a huge fan of that phrase too. It really is true! There really is no such thing as "job security" ever...you never know what will happen, so it's best to have back-up plans, whether than means saved-up money, alternative job ideas and even housing alternatives (move back in with family, cheaper apt) if you really can't make ends meet.


Thanks Tony. I'm keep that in mind.


This is great advice. Thanks tonyinky!