Talking to your family about job loss
The question "So, what do you do?" or "How's work going?" are going to be mighty uncomfortable this year for lots of us.
It's good to prepare yourself now...have a response ready about all that you're doing during your time off (even if it's just taking Me Time) or use the opportunity to talk about the dreams you really want to pursue.
Family and friends are always going to ask about your life at the holidays, so just expect it and know that they aren't trying to make you feel bad. And don't have to answer any questions you don't want to! If the heat gets to be too much, deflect it onto a sibling and ask when he/she is going to get married/have babies/get out of debt. :)
In answering, you can also seek advice though, rather than being ashamed about it. (You shouldn't be!) I know one woman who is selling sweet breads around holiday time to make extra money since her husband got laid off. People in my family bought some! Sooo that's something that only would have been known about if she spoke up about her situation, which she did!