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Learning to Chill Out

Ed Shapiro decided to move with his wife to her native England, after having met in the U.S. and living for a time in India. With America and India under his belt, he didn’t imagine such a move would be difficult, but it turned out to be downright depressing. Shapiro felt isolated in his new surroundings and unable to adapt to a new lifestyle. He found himself thinking this proverbial thought: “…change is not always so easy.”
How did he get through it? Shapiro tried to embrace the doubt and stress through meditation, getting in touch with what was actually going on in his mind. He discovered that change can appear to be a “threat” or “an exciting challenge or opportunity for growth.” Often, we view it as the former, feeling paralyzed by what might happen in the future.
Making change easier is a result of making perspective changes. Like the great William Shakespeare said, “There is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” How do you face your fear of the unknown when you are going through a change? To what or whom do you turn to make it easier? [Huffington Post]