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Question:What's your secret for making change easier?

Asked by VictoriaB on 2/5/08 4 Answers»


By doing what I am able to do just for today. Knowing
that it is for my best interest, or the best interest of
a loved one that may need me. For example, my
grandchild. There are alot of people suffering in this
world. And if we see a need around and we know we
can make a positive difference, then we should do
what a good, positive, honest person should do. I
think this is a common good that can make a difference
in our world.

Answered by: cactusgirl08 on 5/17/08


i PRAY the Lords prayer or I have a certain verse that I like to say" I am fearfully and wonderfully made in his Image"
Thru all things he stengthens me.

Answered by: carefree on 5/4/08


relying on my inner strength. When I need it- I know I can look inside for the courage and faith to continue

Answered by: Ashley_Rutledge on 4/1/08


In the winter it is about not believing the season, not believing the people and not believing the place. It is about believing in you, thank ytou!

Answered by: sheep_tester on 2/13/08
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