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Question:my house is so full of stuff i need to get it all organized please help me i only have paths to where i need to go .....

Asked by kimme7 on 4/26/08 2 Answers»


Start in one pile or section at a time. Also, you can
go to the dollar store and buy plastic containers with
lids on them. you can organize stuff and put them in
containers and store in closets. Give stufff away that
you don't want or need. Salvation Army is a good place
to unload. Hope this helps. Have a great day!

Answered by: cactusgirl08 on 5/17/08


dear kimme7, what i do is downsize. i can't really enjoy anything in a lot of clutter and disorganization. i suggest having a yardsale of the stuff you haven't used in 6 months or more.and/or you can just give stuff away. wrap up and give away , put in a large box at the end of your driveway and mark 'free stuff, give to a church or charity,or just throw away if it is junk. also you can put an ad in pennysaver for free if you sell it for under a 100.00 dollars. then it would be easier to see your way to organize and declutter and actually utilize fully the other stuff you decide to keep.

Answered by: chrissierchris on 4/29/08
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