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Question:Not sure how I am supposed to feel right now.

Lost my husband of 53 years this past week. Sometimes I am sick to my stomach, even though I tell everyone that I am fine. Am a basically strong person but am really confused about all the feelings which may not be appropriate.

Asked by miranda on 5/14/08 3 Answers»


Sorry to hear about your tremendous loss. There
will be different emotions you will be experiencing,
which are normal.
First Stage: Denial
Second Stage: Anger
Third Stage: Bargaining
Fourth Stage: Acceptance
Fifth Stage: You should be able to go on with your life.

Just take one day at a time and deal as best you can
with each emotion. Time does heal all wounds. You
will never forget him, his spirit will always be with
you, and that is good! I lost my sweet grandma in
1968 and I still think about her often as if she just left
yesterday. It's the good memories that live on with us.
GOD Bless you,

Answered by: cactusgirl08 on 5/17/08


I lost my husband 2 1/2 years ago, and its still hard. I'm not even sure if I could ever love another person. My husband was my soul mate. He cannot be replaced. I was 44 when he past. I have gone on a few dates, but nothing to write home about. My suggestion to you "take it one day at a time". That's the only way I cope. Smile, even when you are feeling down. You never know how the next person you meet might feel or going thru at that very moment. Time,time,time heals all wounds. Friend me, we chat,whenever you are feeling down.

Answered by: Burreva1 on 5/15/08


You have a right to experience the feelings you are going through. That is a long-term relationship and things are changing, now.

Research, research, research - look up the experience of others who have gone through asimilar experience.

I wuold like to share something you may already know.. Several years ago, I died and came back. I dd not want to because of how wonderful it was, but there is always a bigger plan. Your mate is in good hands, and you probably know this in your mind. It will take time for it to reach your heart, so give yourself this time to morn.

Good Luck....

Answered by: Lilblu1333 on 5/14/08
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