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Question:How can a child change how they are being abused so that they do not wind up hating human beings when they become an adult.

Sexual abuse by stepfather and brothers that is not changed by a mother, who instead hits the child in the head with fists every day or beats the child unconscious often. Getting raped the first time at age 4 and taking a 2 1/2 story fall but getting no medical care at all can cause the little girl to start hating human beings.

Asked by 313120405 on 7/29/08 2 Answers»


Whomever this child is who is being absued, know that this is not OK. If you are observing this or this is someone you know, it's critical that you call the authorities because this is criminal behavior. If you are someone who experienced this in the past and you're trying to come to terms with it, I would recommend a book—Moving Forward by Dave Pelzer. If you don't know about Dave, he was horribly abused by his mother to the point that his story is considered one of the worst cases of child abuse in the U.S. (it was documented in the book, "A Child Called It.") Moving Forward talks about taking negative experiences in your life and finding ways to get past it and be stronger in the future. Considering who the author is, I would consider it worthy advice.
To 313—I hope you or whomever you are speaking for find proper help, because no one should suffer from abuse.

Answered by: LMAYO9 on 7/30/08


As an adult, learning that the abuse as a child causes extreme horror to dealing with people, should contact psychological care. Also, if the adult dreams about a man every night, she should know that he is a soul mate and get together with him. Marrying her soul mate can wonderfully cause her to stop hating people and learn to enjoy life.

Answered by: 313120405 on 7/29/08
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