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how does one move on from heartbreak and change???
It has almost been a year since I left my fiance after finding him with his co-worker... This Saturday I would have been getting married. I just am having a hard time with all the changes it has brought to my life. I have moved to another city to be farther away from him and i am having a rough time trusting again. I have went on a few dates but no go. Is the thought of him ever going to go away???
Yes, one day you will think back and wonder what you ever saw in him. Everything happens for a reason. You will find a great guy who you will know you can trust. You just still need to learn to be happy by yourself, dont worry about meeting anyone right now, just worry about doing things that make you happy. You will see that once you finally become happy by yourself, that the perfect person will fall in your lap when you least expect it.
I would have to express my feeling with a friend that I could trust and see what there opinion they have for you especially since they know you!
I am a widow and a Divorce victim ! Divorder husband was a person hta tplayed around,drink and was abusive! I got through it with good friend,Jesus especially and counslor and group meeting
I wonder that you are not celebrating that you found him with someone else BEFORE the wedding rather than after with a baby or more. you should be quite happy that he showed his weakness so quickly. Is it really heartbreak or do you feel slighted that he would find someone else attractive too? Either way - he's the big loser and you certainly were the winner! My Mom always said that a man that cheats on his first wife will cheat on all the rest!
You should treat yourself to a great weekend in celebration of not making a HUGE mistake that would have ended not so well. If the photo is of you, I doubt that you will have much trouble finding many men that are better - if not let me know, I have a son...
I don't know if you find help/encouragement in reading, but this book has helped me and some others I know:
VBianchini is right; the significance of the day does make the hurting harder. Day by day you will heal and yes, you will trust again in time! Keep feeling whatever emotions come up daily. Let yourself work through them—and let yourself be happy! You deserve it.
You'll feel better soon. You're understandably hurting right now because of the significance of the date.
You will love again and you will trust again. I love that saying about dancing like no one is watching and loving like you've never been hurt before. At the risk of having this post sound like a series of sayings, there's some truth to the idea that love finds you when you're not looking for it. Take some time to be good to you, find out what makes you happy and learn how to love yourself. Before you know it you will be looking up into someone's eyes once more.