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"Why doe(families) intervene between couples relationship?
for an ex. My kinsfolks (families) does not not my boyfriend. They are very quick to judge. But, they are trying to tell me whom I should, and should not date. Is that a good sign or a bad sign?
Do they give you a specific reason for why they don't like him (his job status, background, etc)? They might have a good reason, as in not wanting to see you get hurt or stray from your own goals.
As an adult, it's your choice whom to date. But in my experience, if the people who love me voice serious concerns about my choices, it's for good reason. Only you can decide whether it's worth seeing someone your family doesn't get along with. Is it worth it?
Whatever you decide, be with someone who adores you, encourages you, helps you be the best you can be. You deserve it!
Hi, Princess
If it's a sign of anything, it's a sign that they care for you and want to be sure you make the right choice in who you give your heart to. Probably because they don't want to see you get hurt.
When we're younger we don't often understand why our family members and those older than us try to influence our decisions in this way. When we're older we often wish we had listened to their advice.
You're young. You have your whole life ahead of you. Tune into what your instincts are telling you and don't worry about being in a hurry to date. Now is the time to enjoy life with friends and family. Boys will always be there, if you know what I mean.