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Question:What issue do you want to see the new president tackle first?

No doubt the next president has their hands full with a number of things they need to move on at once, but which issue would you like to see the focus put on first?

Take our poll on the site (lower right hand column) or sound off in the comments here.

Asked by VictoriaB on 11/4/08 6 Answers»


As one of the thousands (millions?) of Americans without health insurance, I'm selfishly hoping he jumps right to affordable health insurance.

Answered by: runnindownadream on 11/19/08


Well, as most have already stated, the economy should be a top priority. I think one thing that could be worked on at the same time as the economy, hand in hand with it, would be working on clean energy sources. Then the Iraq war, and also the one in Afghanistan, which most people seem to forget about.

Answered by: _dumspirospero_ on 11/13/08


I hope Obama focuses on the economy and getting us out of Iraq. The cost of war is not helping our economy. I also like the idea of a flat income tax rate.

Answered by: dianeinseattle on 11/12/08


The economy first, then the home mortgage crisis, then medical coverage.

I would like to see a straight 20% - 25% across the board income tax for everyone and all businesses -no exceptions!!

Answered by: lilliede81 on 11/9/08


I think we need a focus on the economy first ... job creation and helping people keep their homes.

Answered by: springshine on 11/7/08


There's so much to do it's almost impossible to know where to start, but I'd say the economy is probably top priority. It affects almost everything else in our country.

Answered by: kristen on 11/7/08
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