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Dr. Marisa C. Weiss

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Lillie Shockney

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Warrior Women

Warrior Women

When Marc Silver set out to do research for his book, Breast Cancer Husband, he was stunned by the amount of stories of infidelity he heard. But this post isn't about the women betrayed by their husbands, it's about those who are made strong enough to leave a bad marriage.

During Silver's research, he also met a woman who said her husband was lazy and unsupportive during her toughest time. "After I was diagnosed, I lost 200 pounds," she told Silver. It wasn't from the chemotherapy--she dropped 200 pounds of husband. It's likely the couple was having problems before, but her newfound strength enabled her to finally leave a marriage that wasn't working.

Battling breast cancer and all of its subsequent treatments can turn you into a warrior of sorts. If you're strong enough to take on a deadly disease, who knows what other battles you can wage--and win. You might just find yourself standing up to many of the problems you thought were insurmountable before. [Los Angeles Times]

Posted: 10/14/08

Wow, what an amazing article. The study it talked about that followed 193 couples (107 women and 86 men had cancer) where 13 husbands walked out on their wives with cancer is shocking. What made my jaw drop was the comparison that only one woman left a husband diagnosed with cancer. I would love to know what more experts have to say on that giant disparity! Are men really that emotionally weak?


It's interesting how a medical crisis like this can sharpen the focus on many other things.