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Our Managing Breast Cancer Experts

Dr. Marisa C. Weiss

Dr. Marisa C. Weiss

Oncologist, author and founder of Breastcancer.org

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Lillie Shockney

Lillie Shockney

Registered nurse, two-time breast cancer survivor and author

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Dr. Peter Pressman

Dr. Peter Pressman

Surgical oncologist and author

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Change Nation: Stephanie Johnson (10/10/08)

Stephanie Johnson on Managing Breast Cancer

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Could you build a business around a cosmetics bag? If you’re Stephanie Johnson, you can.

In 2000, she said goodbye to her high-paying telecom job to take a chance on a business idea she was passionate about. To date, she’s sold nearly 2 million bags and the Stephanie Johnson line of cosmetics bags is carried in more than 500 upscale stores nationwide.

On this episode of Change Nation, Stephanie explains what inspired her to change and how fulfilling it is to work with Energizer to help raise awareness for National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

For more information on Stephanie Johnson, visit www.stephaniejohnson.com.


Thanks for this interview with Stephanie. She definitely has a lot of energy, but I think the secret to having a lot of energy is clean living, as she said. You can get a lot more accomplished if you get a full eight hours sleep and no hangover! Also, I found it interesting that she became so successful without a business plan -- that definitely goes against conventional wisdom!


Going through a career shift myself, it was great to hear Stephanie's story. Thanks Ariane!

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