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Our Managing Breast Cancer Experts

Dr. Marisa C. Weiss

Dr. Marisa C. Weiss

Oncologist, author and founder of Breastcancer.org

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Lillie Shockney

Lillie Shockney

Registered nurse, two-time breast cancer survivor and author

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Dr. Peter Pressman

Dr. Peter Pressman

Surgical oncologist and author

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Got A Tip?


Got a Tip?


I was dionosed with stage 4 breast cancer in July 07; by the end of December I had more than 90 Dr. visits or tests.
(1.) Make a log sheet listing each date of Dr's appointments and dates of test including where test was done. (2.) Take a copy of the log sheet with you to each appointment . . . it is just to hard to remember all the different dates. (3.) I also used one of my son's baseball card collection page with all the pockets - in each pocket put the Dr's bussiness cards - it gives you a full view of all the phone numbers etc. that you need. (4.) I kept all the information in a notebook with full pocket pages (5.) in each pocket page put a post-it note with date and Dr. or test done that day. (6.) In each pocket page place report or billing information.
Hope this is helpful to you as it was to me.

Shared by more2day on 9/26/09