"I bought your book at the airport. It called out to me. Thank you for your work and web site. Write a sequel, so I have more to read!" -Richard
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Our Managing Diabetes Experts

Dr. Sheri Colberg-Ochs

Dr. Sheri Colberg-Ochs

Exercise physiologist, dLife.com contributor and author

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Dr. Alan L. Rubin

Dr. Alan L. Rubin

Endocrinologist and author of Diabetes for Dummies

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Dr. Nieca Goldberg

Dr. Nieca Goldberg

Physician and spokesperson for the American Heart Association’s...

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The latest news on this change — carefully culled from the world wide web by our change agents. They do the surfing, so you don't have to!

Wilford Brimley's Diabeetis

Wilford Brimley's Diabeetis

Are you a follower of the cult of Wilford?

Veggie Power!

Veggie Power!

Your momma always told you that you should eat your veggies...

A Revolution in Diabetes Management

A Revolution in Diabetes Management...

Soon diabetics may be able to inject their insulin shots once...

Could Twins Hold the Key?

Could Twins Hold the Key?

Sibling and twin research might lead to a diabetes breakthrough...

Kid's Play Becomes Diabetes Fundraiser

Kid's Play Becomes Diabetes...

Plays, skits and dances were just backyard fun for Helen Rapp...

Better to Lose and Gain...

Better to Lose and Gain...

...than to not lose weight at all. At least that's what a...
