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Our Managing Heart Disease Experts

Dr. Matthew DeVane

Dr. Matthew DeVane

Cardiologist and researcher

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The latest news on this change — carefully culled from the world wide web by our change agents. They do the surfing, so you don't have to!

Angina: A Subset of Heart Disease

Angina: A Subset of Heart Disease...

Heart disease is a very broad health diagnosis that can have...

Fishin' for Omega-3s

Fishin' for Omega-3s

Japan's high-fish diet may be the key to preventing heart...

Reduce Your Risk

Reduce Your Risk

Follow these tips to avoid heart disease.

Freedom Fries!

Freedom Fries!

A new study reverses the school of thought that low-sodium...

Problems in Bed Could Mean Problems in the Heart

Problems in Bed Could Mean Problems...

If the little soldier won't salute, it could be a red flag...

Forget Belly Fat, Watch Your Heart Fat

Forget Belly Fat, Watch Your...

Pericardial fat is more dangerous to your health than belly...
