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Our Moving to a New City Experts

Jamie Allen

Jamie Allen

Headhunter of Hundreds of Heads guides and author of How to...

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Susan Miller

Susan Miller

President and founder of JUSTMOVED! N.E.W. Ministries and...

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Cathy Goodwin, Ph.D.

Cathy Goodwin, Ph.D.

Career planner and creative life transition expert

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The latest news on this change — carefully culled from the world wide web by our change agents. They do the surfing, so you don't have to!

Mad Dash to a New City

A lot of info out there on moving to a new city is all about taking your time and researching everything as thoroughly as possible. But what if you find the right place right away and instead of taking three months to move it will happen in two weeks?
That’s not necessarily a bad thing. In today’s real estate market, if you find a good deal you’re probably pretty smart to lock it down as fast as possible. Plus, some things in life are all about luck and you can’t necessarily plan every detail. So if you find something that feels right to you, go for it.
If someone tells you that you’re doing it all wrong and too fast, take some time and listen to your instincts. If you feel it’s the right thing, then full steam ahead. If you do think it’s going to quickly, then maybe take a breather to reassess the situation and see if you’re forgetting anything. The point is that the speed of your move is up to you.

Posted: 4/24/08

I've done it twice in the last 3 years with no regrets.