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New City, Same Stuff

As you're considering relocation, how are you going about figuring out whether a city is right for you? You could ask friends and family for advice, visit the city, or just wing it. Or, you could visit and compare your current location with a few others.
Just type in the name of the city in which you live and the one you're considering. The site will then give you a listing of neighborhoods in your city alongside neighborhoods in the prospective city that are similar. We tried it with Brooklyn and Washington DC, and the results were fairly spot-on.
The drawback is that the site doesn't account for all cities. We didn't see Dallas, Houston, Austin ( don't like Texas? Or is it because it's a whole other country?) No Kansas City or Indianapolis either. Strangely, Naples is a choice...
Would you use a service like this to choose a new neighborhood when moving to a new city? And are you looking for something just like what you're leaving, or does a move mean a total change of lifestyle for you?
Interesting idea. I'm more with cobber though...I like throwing myself into the unknown.
What a cool concept! I'll have to try that out next time I move.
Why not go for a radical change? I think a move should really cause you to toss everything up in the air. It's fun to see after a while what returns from your previous "life."