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Jamie Allen

Jamie Allen

Headhunter of Hundreds of Heads guides and author of How to...

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Susan Miller

Susan Miller

President and founder of JUSTMOVED! N.E.W. Ministries and...

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Cathy Goodwin, Ph.D.

Career planner and creative life transition expert

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If you have questions about this change, you're in the right place. Our editors, experts, and community of change optimists have answers!


Question:Life in New Orleans for a 24 year old

I have lived on my own now for almost a year. This was the 1st time I lived by myself (I'm 24) well lately I've been thinking about moving to New Orleans when my lease is up in March. Currently I am a server. My questions is how much many would I need to start with for me to actually go down there. And once down there are jobs hard to get and cost of apartment life in a decent to ok part of the city,I'll be there by myself again so ends have to meet. one more thing is there community colleges any good down there and also the cost to that

Asked by Lostcollegeboy2009 on 1/6/15 Answer»