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how do you separate leaving a job with the decision to move away from the city where the job was?
In other words, how do you decide if your desire to leave a town is connected to the desire to leave the job? (This is not my hometown or even a place I imagine myself living for the rest of my life).
That's a tough question. It could be that you don't like the town and your job.
I remember looking into an MBA program during college. The advice I got was either to pick the city you like or pick the school you like. If you like the city, then the school doesn't matter because that's where you'd like to live. If you picked the school, then the reputation of the school follows you where ever you live/work.
In your case it's a job not a school. Think about what kind of lifestyle the city offers you vs. what your job offers.
Ideal jobs can place you in cities with challenging lifestyles with high costs of living like CA. Ideal places could limit your job opportunities so you may take jobs you don't like.
I've lived in 9 cities in 4 states. 6 cities in the past 6 years. Lived in big cities and small towns. Good jobs in bad cities and every other combination.
If you don't see yourself living there for the rest of you life, can it be a place you can stay while you look to relocate/find a new job?
Otherwise, stay with you job but ask if you can telecommute. You might get the best of both worlds. Good luck!
Have you tried a pro/con list? Perhaps looking at the things you like and dislike about both the job and the town will help clarify things. Is it possible that if you had a job you were more passionate about, you'd enjoy life (and therefore the city you're in) more?
Write down your dreams and goals! You'll know whether they're in line with the current situation, or whether its time to move on. Good luck!