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Question:how do you find a job in a new city

how do you go about finding a job in a city you don't live in and you need the job or source of income before you can move (from seattle to la)
it's not as though you can submit a resume in person or go for an interview on wednesday and what if they want you to start before you have our apartment packed do you just live in a perpetual state of packed boxes
this is so confusing usually i move then find the job but no where to live in la and not a lot of cash to spare at the moment

Asked by pixie2 on 7/22/08 3 Answers»


Would it be possible to start off doing temp work? There are a lot of agencies out there, and depending on your skills, you could be working within a few days. From there you can start applying to other jobs.

Answered by: NicoO2000 on 10/15/08


Try the First30days Finding Your Dream Job section. I just used it and it really helped.

Answered by: bcherep on 10/13/08


Have you tried the online job search services? Those are often the best ways to get started. Also, have you tried researching various headhunters or looking at local papers in your new city? Making a phone call ahead of time to a potential employer might help as well. Good luck!

Answered by: LMAYO9 on 8/15/08
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