You can live your life in two ways: As if everything is a miracle or nothing is a miracle. end quote

— Albert Einstein
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Ariane de Bonvoisin is the CEO and founder of First30Days, a New York City-based media company focused on guiding people through all types of changes, both personal and professional and social or global. The company, which launched its web site,, in February 2008 currently features 60 life change subjects, including those relevant to our times such as losing a job, selling a home, starting a business, dealing with depression, smart investing, reducing debt and living frugally.

With a degree in economics and international relations from the London School of Economics, Ariane began her professional career at The Boston Consulting Group and worked in over a dozen countries during her tenure. After receiving an MBA from Stanford University, she moved to New York, working with media companies Bertelsmann and Sony.

In 2000, she joined Time Warner as the Managing Director of a new $500 million digital-media venture fund. The Fund's mission was to take equity stakes in early-stage, potentially strategic, technology companies.

Prior to her launch of First30Days and time at Charlie Rose Productions, Ariane spent a year as a Senior Advisor on a Humanitarian Project, A DAY IN THE LIFE OF AFRICA. The project involved the top 100 photojournalists placed in the 53 countries of Africa on a single day.

Ariane has a monthly column in Redbook magazine and AdAge, is MSN’s Life Change Expert, a contributing editor to, a Life Balance expert for Health Magazine and has appeared on dozens of TV and radio shows, including NBC's The Today Show, the CBS Early Show, Fox and Friends, CNN Radio and ABC News Now. She is a Huffington Post contributor and has written articles for media outlets including Town & Country, the New York Daily News, Reader's Digest, Women's Health and Media Bistro, among others.

Ariane speaks frequently around the country and abroad on issues of change. In 2008, she spoke at events including Maria Shriver's Women's Conference, the Pennsylvania's Governors Conference, the Houston and Boston Women's Conferences, the Health Conference in NYC, and international conferences.

Ariane's book entitled, The First 30 Days: Your Guide to Making Any Change Easier was published by Harper Collins in May 2008. Ariane embarked on a national media and speaking tour for the book. A Spanish edition was published in December 2008 by Spanish by Rayo, a division of Harper Collins and the paperback edition of First30Days is due in early May 2009.

She is also an accomplished athlete, having been a competitive swimmer, a ski instructor, and a runner in a series of marathons and triathlons. She also reached the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro in January 2001 and accompanied a group of students to Antarctica in December 2002.

Ariane currently serves on the advisory boards of the following companies she is passionate about: Smart is Cool (an organization dedicated to empowering young girls) and Call and Response (an organization committed to ending child slavery around the world).