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Marriage, the Final Frontier

Marriage, the Final Frontier

This is an IMPORTANT NEWSFLASH for all of you who have been putting off marriage by telling your sweetheart that you're waiting until you can do it in space. A Japanese company called Real Advantage will start offering space weddings in 2011, so your clever excuse is only going to buy you three more years of procrastination.

Of course, you could always tell your betrothed that you can't afford it. A one-hour ceremony 60 miles away from Earth will cost you about $2.2 million. The price also includes passage for a priest and two wedding party guests, a wedding dress and a party at the spaceport. There will also be a live broadcast for all of the wedding guests left behind on earth.

Sounds pretty astronomical, doesn't it? Well, at least one couple doesn't think so. Mitch Walling and Cindy Cashman have already signed up to be on the inaugural flight.

"While I was meditating, an idea popped in my head to be the first person to be married in space, so I started taking action to make my dream a reality," Cashman said.

That must have been some pretty deep meditation! What kind of out-of-this-world wedding are you dreaming up? [Daily Mail]

Posted: 7/2/08