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Question:How many of you brides are dieting like crazy? Are there any of you that don't care about your bod for the big day?

Asked by jeanfroner on 2/13/08 2 Answers»


I wouldn't say that I didn't care, but I didn't make it the primary focus of my life. It's nice to have a goal post out there, but "scoring a point" was not ordering fries with my cheese burger.

Answered by: IAMASH on 4/9/08


I've had friends who didn't care if they were in good shape or not. The ones who were not going to the gym regularly prior to being engaged, eventually slipped back into their regular routine and when they looked back at pictures from the special day, were a little disappointed that they had gained the weight back, or didn't have time for the gym now.
Those who went to the gym anyway, just picked up the pace a little and maybe didn't eat that cookie at 3pm.
Personally, I go to the gym regularly and eat pretty healthy, but I definitely don't love my arms, so maybe I'll just be sure to pick up some extra weights.

Answered by: C_Wachten on 3/5/08
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