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Our Planning a Wedding Experts

Sharon Naylor

Sharon Naylor

Award-winning author and wedding planning specialist

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Carley Roney

Carley Roney

Co-founder of the popular wedding site TheKnot.com

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Sheryl Paul

Sheryl Paul

Best-selling author and counselor

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Memorable wedding


I had a wonderful wedding. I really did. I had been looking for a long time for a unique venue when I finally found an old mansion on the  Hudson River. It's now a private home, no longer available to rent, but it had been the home of one of the Astors.
I think the location and the place itself were what made the wedding so memorable. It has a long driveway leading up to the house, with a circular drive and fountain in the circle--very European feel. The interior was just dripping in elegance--exquisite woodwork, gorgeous furnishings, a grand staircase. We were free to wander all over the house, which was really nice, and, of course, we had the house to ourselves. There weren't any other events being held at the same time.

We had amazing weather that day. It was nearly 75 degrees at the end of October, which is unusual for that time of year in upstate New York.

The sun was shining, the house was sparkling, spirits were high and everyone had a good time.

I still think about that day and how wonderful the party was.

Shared by VictoriaB on 2/7/08

Venue is nice, I had mine in a church that was 137years old, but the most memorable was coming down the aisle my dad discided he would stop and hug an old friend he hadn't seen in awhile. He was ill and I was lucky for him to be able to walk me down the aisle.