The latest news on this change — carefully culled from the world wide web by our change agents. They do the surfing, so you don't have to!
What, Me Worry?

It seems that after decades of hard work one would be able to retire comfortably, but a new poll from the Employee Benefit Research Institute shows that only 18% of workers are confident that they will be able to do so, in sharp contrast to the 27% that felt that way at this time last year.
The good news, if you choose to see it, is that fear is a great motivator. The report also shows that more workers are actually taking the time to plan for retirement . Nearly 60% of workers who had a calculated retirement goal actually began saving or investing more. And most people still retire right around age 65, which still leaves plenty of time for enjoying all that savings!
Has the economic climate challenged you to change your retirement plans? [Wall Street Journal]