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Who's Afraid of Retirement?

It is such a cliché—women being afraid of money. According to Wachovia’s annual retirement survey, 54% of pre-retirment women are “frightened” of the stock market. Apparently, only 30% of men are willing to admit the same. In terms of planning for retirement , 42% of women say they are “intimidated” by it all.
Frightened? Intimidated? If an equal number of men and women have IRAs as the survey shows, where is this mentality coming from? Perhaps its that women put less importance on planning for retirement as a measure of life success. Still, there’s no need to act like a little girl when it comes to your future.
Planning for retirement is much less daunting when you do your homework. There are lots of resources out there—let them do some of the work for you! Once you see that you have options, and that you are in control of your financial destiny, you might be able to report that the thought of retirement makes you feel “empowered” instead of meek! Tell us how you’re building a nest egg. [PR Newswire]